Monday, May 23, 2011

Good in the MBM

Good afternoon to y'all!

Looks like it's going to be a hot and humid one today! Can't believe that it came so fast, soon July will be here and you will have to peel me off the black top because I am going to melt there! Well the good news is I am back in good old Odenton area. Yea, remember the bikes? Well it's time to dust them off and start peddling again. Which is not all that bad because I was going thru all my planners and I discovered that I have only 5 months left. So time to start that 6 month beautification process right now, the bikes are going to help.

Well family I will update you on my life here. Really there is not much to tell you, I am so new but I can tell you that we live right next to this army base and we go an it all the time. They check our ID cards and when we have the car, they make us pop the hood and they check for bombs. It's kinda cool. I sometimes think it would be funny to just yell, "Cut the red wire! Hurry! He's getting away!" But something in the back of my head tells me that would be a bad idea. I don't know, but ever since the assassination on Benladen they're at force protection condition bravo. Such a long word, why can't they just say "Guys that want to blow us up in this lane. Others in that lane." You think it would save some time? I don't know, it must just be the army. I don't know were they come up with all of these acronyms, but I think they're funny!

Anyway, besides trying not to go to a federal prison for the rest of my life, I am having a good time here and trying to stay out of trouble! What's going on back there folks? Any news from the out side world?

Life here as a missionary could not get any better. We have no one to teach but that's why I am here; to add some life to this party and kick it in to high gear. Oh yea dude, we're going to have a blast. Oh my new comps name is Elder Tommis and he is from Rexburg ID. He is a very good singer and he likes to bike (well I think he does). Other news is I think Fort Mead (my official area, that's whats it is called) is trying to kill me. The moment I got here, BAM! really bad headache, like really bad. BAM! Then came the allergies and they're not going away. I don't know what's going on, but I think some days I just won't pull through. But sure enough... I do. I never had this before, I guess there is no plants in Arizona that are growing so I never had to worry about it. But I think I will live. (I think)

So what else? Oh my companion makes for a really good wind blocker. I discovered this as I was behind him. I think it's called drafting, but I thought it only worked for nascars. But I was wrong. It works for bikes too. It helps a lot when your going up hill in the wind. Just get as close as you can to his back tire and you'll just zip right up that hill. Works every time. Except I almost crashed into him a couple of times, but I still perfecting it. Soon he will never know that I am back there! ha ha ha ha!

Anyway life is good. It is out here in the MBM, that's an acronym for you army people! It means Maryland Baltimore Mission.

Well time is running out so I got to hurry, but a quick shout out to my Sis back home. Pam sorry I am late, but Happy B-Day! And to my cuz back in Texas, Jennifer and Heather Happy B-Day! as well. Hope you all have a wonderful time and know that I think/pray/love all of you. If you ever get sometime and think of me, just drop me a line or two. I will get back to you. Well got to scoot!

love ya
elder black

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