Monday, May 24, 2010

put the gun down!

So I have a funny story for y'all. So we were teaching this new investigator Nick and his friend Justen comes over (this will come back to play later on in the story). So were teaching Nick, we hear "put the gun down! put the gun down that's how people get shot," so we look over and see that there are like 5 cops. And there were these kids that were shooting airsoft guns in the park. Well we got Nick's attention again and we got our lesson refocused. And then Justen came over and we then started over and Justen said he wanted to know more. It was cool. So anyway I love this work and I love to teach this gospel. I love you all and hope to hear from you soon. I am praying for all of you.
love elder black

Monday, May 17, 2010

I bore my testimony there and it was just awesome.

(working on the house 2009)

Sorry family, I have limited time on here so I have got to be quick. but know that I love my mission and that things are going great. I love getting letters from everyone and I am working on sending every one a letter a BIG one. Know that your all in my prayers and that I love each and every one of you. The highlight of my week was zone conference. I love getting together with my fellow missionaries and I love Pres. Belliston. He is the best. He is truly an inspired person and he works hard at his calling. I bore my testimony there and it was just awesome. Well I really don't have much more to say than that. We had our area blitzed and that was fun we had 6 missionaries in Bel Air (and dad it is a richy area) but people are still humble and still want the gospel and that is awesome. Well I will continue to work hard. Thank you for your love and support. I love you all very much and will do better at the letter writing. I have more time to do that. Anyway so farewell for now.
elder black

Monday, May 10, 2010

I thought that was something we just joked about.

(christmas eve 2009)

So what's up? I gave you all break down yesterday. And I hope that I did not seemed to rushed. That phone call did really mean a lot to me and I really do miss you all! I am now looking forward to Christmas and the best gift I could get would to here all your voice's again. That will come faster than we all think, so be ready! Well nothing is new here, I am still just so shocked that my mom has a goat now! I thought that was something we just joked about. Oh well I guess not anymore. Hey now that we have a goat we need some chickens and then a horse. I will expect all of this by the time I get home (horses are only 500$ at that rescued ranch it was called the love shack). Anyway I love this mission and I love all of you. I am sorry for this lame email. I just don't know what else to say. Next week will be better, I promise.

love elder black.

Friday, May 7, 2010

fight over the phone

I will be calling home! That just gets me excited just talking about it. Anyway I will be calling home at like around 3 or4pm our time, so I don't know when church is. That is the question I ask here? And I have no idea how to find this info out? Anyway grab steal and fight over that phone! Do everything you have to save it, kill one another! ha ha ha I would love to hear all your voices. So again, this is my plea, that you are home around these times. And if it is later. I am sorry. But be patient with me and know that I am just as eager to talk with you all. So I love you all and to all (that are moms) happy mothers day! And a quick shout out to my mom: your awesome and I love you and I thank you for everything you do for me!
love elder black
aka rocky
PS you don't all have to fight over the phone that was a joke.

Monday, May 3, 2010

To be continued......

Okay Black family and others. Today is Pday. Okay, you already know that. Well just to get it out of the way, I am being transferred. To where? I know not. But I will inform you all on my location on Wednesday, in my next letter. Anyway today was not too exciting because, oh this bad news. But we had some fun regardless. I will update you on last week though. Okay here is how it broke down....

Monday was Pday. We really did nothing too exciting. It was really just shopping and jamming out to MoTab, I love that stuff!

Tuesday we had lunch and then we went to see some potential investigators. That went well, even though we did not get in to see any of them, for they were all not home. Had dinner with the Jonson's. I am going to miss them so much. That family is going to be so hard to say goodbye too. I came to truly love that family.

Wednesday we had studies at 7-10 (pam are you still doing that)? Then we had Terry. It was a sad day. We had to drop her, she just would not keep any commitments. We had lunch then got a call from Sis. Burton that she was sick so we had to cancel that lesson. We went to Bro. Suberts home and we are going to stop visiting him so much because he is not keeping commitments either, but he does come to church. We had the Cole's for dinner and I ate a crawdad and almost threw up. It was not good at all. So that was kinda a bust day. But lunch was fun at least.

we tried to help Bro. Robison with his book. We had lunch, did some knocking, went to Bro. Nottingham's house. He is 99 years old and that man is still as active as can be! Well after that we had dinner at the Kerr's and then had Elder Larose's bday party, that was lots of fun.
Well I will have to finish this up later. I have got to go to dinner.

To be continued......