Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I will always look to my Savior for help.

So I am writing to you today. I have longer time now. I just realised I am such a slow typer. I need that recorder so I can describe people here better. I am no good at typing I
think having you do all my essays has hindered me some and I am sorry for
taking that for granite and for yelling at you to. I hope you will forgive me. All I can say about Hancock is SOUTHERN yep deep down country boys down here.
I thought I was going to be in some richy area,
but I am right at home. Me and this less active named Bill had a lengthy
discussion on deer and how they can kill 37 with in a single year. DAD
come to Hancock and kill deer, you don't have to see me, just come!!! I
have seen at least to 6 pointers and some other really nice and healthy
deer no elk though, bummer. But dad and Bill I think would get along really
good. He reminds me of Rick, but in reverse because he can cook. Anyway it
is slow here in Hancock and some days I just want to cry because people
are so stuck in there ways here that they refuse to let the spirit touch
there lives. The only comfort I get is from my trainer and the Lord everytime
I get down on my knees and offer up the desires of my heart to Him, I
all ways feel comforted. I get up off my knees and feel like what I am
doing is right. I was sent here to find that one or that 101, you know and
I won't stop till I find him or her. Like Pam's email said, in the standard
of truth which we say to nothing will stop it Satin if you think about it
is just a ghost and he is nothing to be afraid of or to give in to I know
that I am a child of God and that only Him will I serve. Sure I will
fall, were human we all do, but I will always look to my Savior for help.
I love you mom and I always will
love elder black and PS I need my ipod
dock. hahaha you and dad all ways send things without their chargers my
ipod does not run on faith alone! just kidding
love your missionary elder

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

"praying that I won't die!"

I just gave a man a blessing on his shoulder because he was
getting it operated on. I love Maryland right now I am in Handcock and
just an FYI, this is not my Pday. My Pday is on Monday but Monday was
Pres. Day so that is why I am talking to you on this day. I love the
people of Hancock. I love being a missionary. I met this very nice man
named Brother Forny. Brother Forny has taken it upon himself to feed
and give the missionaries beer. Now that's what he calls it, it is actually
rootbeer, but we call it beer for short and we think it sounds cool to.
Anyways a little about this sweet man he is 95 and he still drives and
he just got his license extended for 5 more years. You know how they
say old people drive slow? Well not Brother Forny, he drives like 90 miles
an hour and looks at you the whole time doing it! They always wonders why
I am asleep but I am really just closing my eyes and praying that I won't
die! He is so much like grandpa, in the regard that he is independent, he
lives on his own and he does not ask for help. He is so funny though, like
when we got all that snow Brother Forny went out with his shovel to
shovel snow and his neighbor said get back in your house and I'll do it! It
was funny because he was like, "I was glad he said that because I was
tired!" I love that man. He tries to be young again. He talks slang and stuff.
It's fun. He also demands that we play phase 10 with him and he wins every
time. I think he cheats. hahah I met the bishop of the ward he reminds me
of Bishop Marcotte. He is a good bishop and loves the people and really
pushes home teaching and from the other end of home teaching, I can see
how important it really is. So get on that home teaching, don't let the
members fall away from not being seen. And I know in doing so you not only
bless your life but theirs as well. Well this morning I was woken up to
what sounded like a WWII bomb alert siren. You know the one that they
sounded when planes would fly over or something? Anyways I did not know
what to do, I could not find any cover! So I ran in the living room were
my companion was, who's name is Elder Walker, but anyways I was like, "What
is that? It was loud." He said it was the fire station and I was like, oh
OK that's good no bombs. Then and he said no, no bombs and I was like OK.
well I needed to get up anyway. Well got to run.

love you elder black

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Rocky's weekly report:

I don't have much time and I hate this thing, it's like a ticking time bomb. It's do or die, such a pain. I am doing well, no sickness or injury so we're good. I had a health and safety meeting yesterday and that was the most depressing thing in my life! He told us about a sister comp. that one of them fell off a 12 story roof and the sister ran down just in time for her to gasp her last breath! So sad and then he said don't be stupid! Ok, heartless!

What else is there? Not much that's going on. I have great teachers. I hate the rc and the trc, though. I have learned so much that I have a headache! Just kidding, but tell more people to write, because I have 10 minutes now. Letters help, there is something about opening a letter, better than opening a document or e-mail, but I do like e-mails, too.

I am glad to hear you are in YW's, that's so cool. I hear Dad is doing well and that's good. Tell grandma and grandpa I love them and tell dad I love him.

I love you guys, got to go, this ticking time bomb is telling me it's time to go, this is so dumb. Write me!!!