Monday, February 28, 2011

I am going to impress you when I get home

[beach 2007]
Dear family,

So I am now moved. Not a far jump, I just changed wards. There are 3 wards in our stake and I just moved down the street. Well I live in a five man apartment and that has been fun, lots of fun. We went exploring today and I am so glad that I had my water proof boots with me. Other wise I would have had soaked socks just like the rest of them. After that we went to the bounce gym as we call it and I learned how to do a back flip and a front flip in to a foam pit. That was all fine and dandy but I felt so trapped when I landed in it. I would freak out every time, so I learned that if I were to place a mat on top of the foam that I would be fine. So I did that and it worked I had some thing to walk on. Anyway, I am going to impress you when I get home with my sweet front flip skills! Well on to more and exciting news: we just had 6 baptisms in this area and I just walked in to them all so I can't really say that they're mine or can I? Anyway this area is doing really well. I am glad to be a part of it. Well what else happened that is worthy to report, I am so sorry about my lack of writing. I was way stressed out and I had no time to do anything. Well that's no excuse, but I will try to do better... I will. Well family I hope all is well with you all. I hope that you had a great week too and I will talk to you soon. So till then, God be with you till we meet again.

love elder black

Monday, February 21, 2011

Today is a great day!

[mission beach 2008]

So I just got the call not to long ago, I will be moving not more than 5 miles to my next location. It should be fun. There will be 5 elders living were I am going. So in our district we will have 7 people all together, it will be awesome! Honestly I have mixed emotions about leaving. I have seen a lot of changes in this area. I don't want to leave, but I do at the same time! But we will see what lies ahead for us. This is a wonderful time to be a missionary. Can't wait to meet new people.

Well I love you all and I hope you all have a great week!

love elder black

Monday, February 7, 2011

We have a baptism coming up....

Ahoy my family this is elder black!

Well this week is off to a great start. I love hearing from all of you and informing me of what's going on! Over here in the east we have some great things going on so much that I cannot right them all down, but what I can tell you all what I think that I told everyone else. Transfers are coming up and I think my time has come, but that is so far away that it almost seems impossible to me anyway. We have a baptism coming up and his name is Jeffery. Keep him in your prayers.
Well family... take care of your selves and know that I love you!
Sorry this is so short but I got to run.

Love Elder Black