Monday, March 28, 2011

"chillin like frillin"

[mission papers]
Dear family,

This week went by pretty fast. We had a lot going on. I'll tell you about it in a sec., but first I want to note that this is truly the best time of my life... why? Well just cause we have lots of people coming to the waters of baptism and because we have a lot going on in our area. Let me tell you a story: we had this referral for a long time and we did nothing about it. (Pam would call me a slacker, I know) but we decided to try him out. His name was Don. Don goes to school in Shepperd University and is a cool guy but when I called him on the phone though, he hung up on me. So I thought that this guy hated me, but we went anyway and taught a great lesson and he is coming to G.C. with us to "see this said prophet." I hope he comes! Well the time is passing well here. There is an elder that is in our apartment that goes home this transfer. This is my second time "killing an elder" and he is defiantly ready to go home! He is a Spanish elder, he was trying to teach me Spanish but i failed, so we stopped. Anyway today we're not doing much, just hanging out and "chillin like frillin." (baltimore slang for havin a good day) Well I have a nasty cold and just a few days ago I had to give a blessing to a 12yr girl in the ER that had some bad case. I don't know what it was but I hope she did not give it to me! Last week we also had Pres interviews, they went well. (I think I passed) What else? We tricked out our car. Well as tricked out as you can make a mission car. I will send you pics some time. Well that's all for now folks. I will be talking to you all later. Know that I love you all and be looking for your letters because I am turning on the letter writing machine. Love you all and have a great rest of the week!

elder black!

Monday, March 21, 2011

It was cool too.

All right now, let's get ready to rumble!!! So this week was awesome! From Elder Dallin H. Oaks granddaughter coming to play the violin, man she was good. I wished that you all could have been there. She had her 3 little girls come out and play with her. It was cool too. That was the highlight of the week. We are going to the bounce gym today for pday but I don't know if I want to go. I hurt my back last time doing a back flip. Man that hurt and it hurt all week. That was the problem any ways. I think I will sit this one out. Well I don't have a lot of time left and my comp. is gone, so I have to make this quick. I love you all and I miss you lots. Thank you for all that you do. I look forward to hearing from all of you soon!

elder black!

Monday, March 14, 2011

What a day!

From cave finding to seeing an E.T. (emergency transfer) happened today. We were in a three sum for those of you who do not know and just today we had one of our elders get the boot. I guess one of the other missionaries in another area got the boot, so he was needed some where else. We will miss him. Anyway that was not the fun part of our day.

We went SPELUNKING and we have some awesome pics out of it. I will have to send them to you all, they're sweet! Well as far as everything else goes, nothing much new is going on. I get to sleep on a bed now! For the past 2 weeks I have been on the floor because I did not have a bed, that won't be a problem any more! Lets see what else.... we're teaching a man that's Irish and he is pretty cool. I want to talk like that! So with this cave trip I got some sweet boots out of the deal. They're tactical boots that zip up on the side, sweet! Anyway I just need a belt that will go good with my outfit and I will be set for my spelunking gear. I think I have one at home, hmmmm.......

Well as far as finding is going, we're going to have to hunt a little harder. That's right, not fish! No, no, no fishing is much to easy. We're hunters here and who said you can't hunt on your mission! They're wrong!

Well that's all I got. I love this work though, I love the joy it brings when you see that person change their life that they never thought they could. We just recently had a Z.C. here where a mission Pres. told us to never loose hope. Satin is going to try to do everything he can to stop this work, we have to just cowboy up and DO IT! He also told us a story about Elder Bednar of the 12 coming to the mission and taking interest in a investigator. He went out with the elders to see her and everything. Gave her his cell number and told her to call if she had any questions. You talk about leaving the 99 to save the one, this work is so important! I all ways knew that but I know it now and I am starting to get it down in the marrow of my bones, as Elder Holland would rightly say!

Well I love all of you. You rock and so does the gospel.

love elder black

Monday, March 7, 2011

Well this is going to be short...

[prom 2009]
I this work and I love this gospel.

The Church is true, The Book is blue, and Jesus is a Mormon.