Monday, April 26, 2010

Letter time!

(on his 19th birthday)

Well it's that time again. It's Pday and you know what that means? Letter time! Well lets break it down for you......

- Nothing new, just did lots of tracking and finding people. It was fun, but long and hard.

- It was my first time in charge of my area all by myself. We went on splits and I stayed in my area and my comp left. It was hard at first, but after a while I got the hang of things. I was on exchanges with Elder Smith.

- We had an amazing lesson with Artie Bagor and he wants to come back to church. He also had his friend their that sat in on the lesson. His name was Richard and he was way interested. He said he was glad we were not like the other churches that try to cram religion down their throats. We told him we would never try to do that and it was up to him to decider if he wanted to be a part of our faith or not. We had dinner and we had a good lesson at the Johnson's their awesome. I love them, they're so nice to us. We also went to Bro. Keatlily's house and we also had a good lesson their and we played with his great Dane. That dog is not only fast, but huge! He is a monster!

Thursday- We did lots of knocking and lots of walking. We had dinner with Robison's and ate some WV mexican food. It was okay, but what was funny was Bro. Robison was making fun of the guys that were working there and was telling Mexican jokes and everything. We were trying to tell him to be nice, but you cant tell old people what to do! We weekly planned and then we got the car back, yea! I love having the car!

- We went to Bro. Ketly's and had another good lesson. Then we went to Bro. Robison to help him do something with his computer. I don't know, Elder Meese knows all about that stuff. I just played with their dog Tiger! We went to Bro. Shubert's house. Got attacked by bugs and they all just laughed at me! We did some service at the Gunns, we helped her make a chicken coop. It did not go very well. She did not have her materials she needed, nor did she know what she was doing/wanted. Do you remember when I offered to held Bro. somebody? in our ward before they left, and I helped put his new roof on, and there was a note: you got all the stuff you need get started and I will be there soon. And I had no idea how to put on a roof! Well that's kinda how this went! After that, we went to the Van Valets for diner and we had some true Mexican food. It was so good. I had to pack my stuff too because I had to go on yet another exchange with Elder Hardman.

- I was on exchanges with Elder Hardman. Went well, I learned a lot.

- Sunday was so much fun. I rode in a semi-truck and it was hauling about as round as a quarter. And we were inside most of the day, but I rode in a peter built 18 wheeler! Is that not cool or what!
Well give my love to everyone!
And I will let you know how transfers look because there coming up fast. The question is do I stay? Or do I go?
love you guys love elder black

Monday, April 19, 2010

"I just need to track him down."

Dear family, lets talk a moment about me. I love this part of my day! Today is Pday of course, and we as a district are going to play min golf and climb Maryland hights again. That should be a riot. I don't think we have anything else planned. So that is my day today besides shopping, which is all ways fun with the Charleston Elders. I have started making a tape and you have the privilege of meeting them. Anyways on to my week, just to warn you all it was not all that exciting and most of my week was spent in meetings. Okay we shall move on now that you know that.
Monday went to Rittas, that was a ice cream place/ shaved ice. It was good, I loved it. Best ice cream I ever had (well besides nutters). We went to a store called Gabreal Brothers, it was like Good Will on steroids. But I like Good Will a lot better, I think it was more organised and stuff. And that was about it. Yea moving on.....

s. District meeting. Love a good D.M. I gave a workshop on good planing and why we do it. It was fun/ up lifting and you could really feel the spirit in the room. We had lunch together and then me and Elder Berad, who is are D.L ,went on splits together. We met this really cool lady (forgot her name (good thing she is not in my area)) but she had a Dalmatian (a dog with black spots all over it he was cool first time seeing one). And we saw Bro. Jonson, he reminded me of Perry a lot. That was about it for Tues.......

Wed. Wednesday and Thursday can almost be combine so here it is: Wednesday I got back from splits and we exchanged the car so we were on bikes (PS dad I sill have not looked at my tires but I will do that soon). We taught the Gunns about the plan of salvation and it went well. The Gunns are a part member family, the boys are members and so is the mom but the dad is not a member. But he will be, I just need to track him down. He is never around when we teach them.

. We had Pres. interviews and that was great. We had a good time and I love President Belliston. He just is so funny but more than that, he could quote a scripture at the drop of a hat. And I am pretty sure he has the BOM memorized by now and I want to be like that!!! Awesome guy, love him to death. Even though he won't give us a car (I cant see why though). Saw Sister Burden. She is like 90 years old and is still got a sense of humor that would amaze anyone. She is just to cool for school, as she would say! We did not have a dinner appointment, so we talked about life, me and Elder Meese over a frosted beer mug at A&W. It was a good man talk. Love that guy. He is quiet, but when he does get talking he is so funny.

. This also marks the day for a new planer. I am still on MTC time and it kinda mess me up, but I am to lazy to change it so I just deal with it, I roll with the punches.
We tried to see Terry, but she flaked out on us. She is like the queen of that. We did lots of knocking and then had lunch. Had dinner with the Johnson's. They are a newly baptized family and there awesome. The dad reminds me of Cody Villarreal. We saw Brother Nottingham, who just celebrated his 99 birthday. He is so cool and he always tells us that he is only on blood pressure meds and that he is going to live to be 105.

Sat. We went to the flee market to find people and it worked some what. We found some solid people. We went to see Terry once again, flaked out on us. We went to historic Harper's Ferry and we did some tracking there. I placed a Book of Mormon and that was cool. Then we had dinner with the Elsworth's. Cool people, we use to live with them, well Meese did, I did not.

Sun. We had pec and then we saw Brother Ketley. He's is so cool, he is a fire man going through a divorce. He has had a hard life. He is a member but he thinks God has abandoned him. We work hard with him and he said he will try to come to church. We saw the Charleston's crazy investigator. His name was Chris and he is so funny. Well that's about it. See you guys next week.

love elder black

Monday, April 12, 2010

"well apparently I missed this or Hank for got to cover it"

So family this is my week:

Monday we went to Maryland heights, which is the tallest mount. in Maryland (its only like 100 ft tall), there is no such thing as a mount. here. We ate icecream at nutters (which is like the best icecream in the world) then we saw the battle field, that was cool but we did not take pictures because we had to get going to meet with families and do missionary stuff. This was also the time were I had a minor panic attack I then found it in (of all places) my back pack (yea I felt dumb) that was about it. I will be sending those pictures as soon as I can!
Tues. well we saw the Guns and a few other families but nothing new. We did lots of knocking and we did lots of tracking but I will let you know if anything changes.
Wednes. This was a fun day. We went to the auto car wash and it was like these elders have never been thru one. They were screaming and carrying on, I got a video of it. It was funny!
Thurs. was zone conference. This was awesome. I love zone conference. It is such a boost, I love it!
Friday- OK this was a OK day. It started out good we had dinner with the Wards, which was good. We did some off roading in the car. My comp. does not know how to drive off road, so I had to take the wheel. We will not be returning to that members home again without a 4 wheel drive truck! And then I was still driving when I was in the city and the corners at the intersection are really sharp, (well apparently I missed this or Hank for got to cover it) because I bounced off this curb and was like oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo crap. Well let me tell you the next 20 min was spent changing this tire and I was not a happy camper!
Sat. we went to a excommunicated members re-baptism. That was cool. Then we spent 30 minutes at the repair shop, the whole time I was complaining that I could do this so much faster myself all I needed was a new tire!
Sunday. was fast and testimony meeting. I bore my testimony and it was cool! I got invited to talk to the primary kids to talk about missions and that was cool also.
Well sorry this was so lame. I will do better next week. I for got to write stuff down as you can tell.

love elder black

Monday, April 5, 2010

My story on the week

So dear family it is just another pday here in H.F. (Harper's Ferry) my emails home are going to change. I am first going to acquire all the e-mail address I can and then I will write one massive email to everyone like you are suppose to do. Now the second thing that I am going to do is break my days up and write a summary of that day throughout the week, I feel that if I write what happened, that night I won't be thinking about it on pday and forget it all and have nothing to report. So things are going to change a bit, this idea came to me watching G.C. (General Conference)

monday went like this: the Charlestown elders came down and we had pday together and we went out to Wendys and had a good time. The elders that came are elder Godfree and elder Larose . Elder Godfree was supose to be in India, but he could not get his visa and they just sent him here and he is a free spirit, . but they are tearing it up in Charlestown!

Tuesday went like this: we started out our day doing ps. (personal study) and cs.(comp study) which went very well. Then we tried to visit Roger and Karin, a less active family and tried to see Sister Copenhavor, which did not happen but that's ok. We then had lunch back at the apartment or house because it is a house! That lunch was yummy in my tummy after that we knocked Cabel Town a typical West Virginia neighborhood, no body had teeth!! Just kidding but after what seemed to be 6 hours of knocking, but it was only 2 1/2, I need to get in to shape I am such a wimp! We even had the car too! Can you believe that?! Anyway after that fiasco and might I add disaster. I had someone sick their dog on me! But we won't get into that because i am scared for life from it! after that we went to the Curs, that was a nice famliy the dad is a Marine SIMPER FI! We're going to get along quite nicely. We watched Finding Faith in Christ which we all bawled our freaken eyes out and she loved it, we ate dinner there. The kids went nuts, she was embarrassed but we assured her that we understood. I love the dinner (umm umm!) i love members that feed me! After that we taught the Cogles, nice family the lesson went good, but we had to drop them because they just were not progressing and not keeping commitments, I hate that! But the Lord will bless us, I know it.

Wednesday went like this!

i love district meeting its were you can all get together as a district and get closer and the zone leaders were there and they are cool guys. after that we went to A&W the best root beer in a keg I have ever had! They even give you a frosted mug how cool!!!

after that we had a cool lesson with Terry she is a cool investigator she calls us her babies, so weird! but we love her, . the lesson went well and we invited her to come to G.C and she said she would! that was cool! she has come a long way !

We did service at the library, that was fun. I made dive bombing birds (long story). There was this lady that came up to us and apologized for the mean things she said to us and slamming the door in our face. I have never met this lady, nor have i ever had her door all most take my head off (another long story). It made me think, in pmg (preach my gospel) it talks about how people recognize us as Gods servants when they see us doing small acts of kindness, so that helped this lady to see that were not all that bad and we want to help. After that we had dinner and went back to the old homestead and I passed-out on my bed, becaues this marks the first day I had to ride my bike! We share a car with the other elders, so they bike on one day and we bike one day. My bike has 2, that's right, not one but 2 flat tires! I did not know this until i got home and the whole time i was wondering why i was having such a hard time getting up hills and such!

but i think i fixed the problem (i think)?
Thursday the Dawn of a New Day! the sun arose and so did my spirits
in short we got a new cool investigator (have to tell you the story later) and that's about it moving on
Friday: we geared up for G.C and handed out flyers to everyone for the times. We went to lunch with the Charlestown boys/elders.

We ate at this really nice Chinese restaurant and we ate with the members. we also ate at the Vanvleats they're a nice family and have a cool dog, but it made me miss Simba. Simba this is a shout out for you! You are, and will always be the best and coolest dog in the whole world! Don't think i don't think about you! My prayers are for you to and I pray for you every night, stay strong for me girl!

Saturday: G.C> what can i say more than wow did you here Holland's talk i love him, he is so bold "well you should not be serving tea any way". Well, i have to go i will tell you about Sunday and more of Saturday next week so to be continued.....