Monday, November 1, 2010

"Well we are super busy and I love it!"

Dear family,

How are you? I am sorry you are getting this so late, but I will give you a better idea of what's going on in this area. I know I have not been the most informant person in the world. I let the letters and things go by the way side, but I just need to get back in to the grove of things so give me some time. I am trying to get adjusted to the area I now am in. It's coming along, I am sure I will have the hang of it by no time. Right now I am at the Thomson's and we're emailing. Sorry it is so late, but i had to fit this in. I know how important it is. Well let's get down to reporting shall we? Lets see...................................................

Monday- We went to Harper's Ferry where I last served and we climbed Maryland heights, something that I think we should do as a family some day. We came back and had dinner here. So that was Monday.

Tuesday- We had D.M. and then we ate lunch but we were in so much of a hurry here, we had hardly any time for any food besides dinner. I cannot live with out food! Well we are super busy and I love it!

Wednesday- We had Brenda, she is an investigator that we have here. We are actually going to drop her soon if she does not come to church, which she did not so were going to give her the (drop talk) again and hopefully things change. Then we changed the car because we share it.

Thursday- Was W.P which was fun. We have W.P party's here! Saw a bunch of people and had lots of fun. Had dinner at Harrison's.

Friday- We saw Joe and Jessica (gators) and they flaked on us, so we had to fall back to our back up plans and they failed so we just had lunch and then knocked a lot. And we don't have to do that a lot here! I was happy about that! Had dinner and called it a night. Planned and went night night!

Saturday - We had a trunk-or-treat and (this was so much fun) we dressed up as early missionaries. I was Joseph Smith and Elder Goodrich was Dan Jones. It was lots of fun.

Sunday- We helped hand out candy and had dinner with the Gilbert's.

Monday/ today we had lunch with Brother Forny. Oh yea we went to Hancock, it was a blast from the past. I love that old man!

Well got to go. Love you all. Goodnight!
Elder Black

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